September 23, 2004


Are the kids in school nice?
Yeah, except this one kid, he's mean to me.
How is he mean to you?
He keeps pushing me.
Well, that's not nice.
Yeah, he pushed me 10 times. He pushed me while I was in line and he pushed me in the slide, too.
Did you tell him to stop?
That's not how you do it, you have to say "Don't push me."
Well, did you tell him not to push you?
Yes, but he did not listen.
Did you tell Ms. D that the boy is pushing you.
Yes, but he's got this yellow thing in his ear and he can't hear Ms. D.
Well, next time, if you see this boy come near you, just play with something else.

Our conversation two nights ago. Last night:

So, was Jonathan mean to you today?
No. He's nice to me now.
What happened?
We talked.
What did you talked about?
About good stuff, friends, good languages, and not pushing.
Well, that's nice.
Yeah, now he's my friend.

I'm glad that one got resolved pretty quick.

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