January 29, 2005

of boredom, firefighters, & gymnastics

no school yesterday! she was at first happy that she didn't need to wake up early. She watched TV and then around 10, it started, Mommy, I'm bored. What time is gymnastics? So, I used this opportunity to tell her that, on days that she doesn't want to go to school, she'll be stuck in the house with mommy and be bored. But during lunch time, Joey knocked on the door. (Oh, yeah, Joey's back.)

They played outside. They had Joey's firefighter suits on, with matching red hard hat and rubber duckie boots. She has a backpack on, and they were running around outside in the rain.

Gymnastics. Her hand stands and cart wheels are better. But, she's copying the older kids with her tumbles, and that's not tucking their chin and somehow using their head, which makes me cringe! Knock on wood, but I just have this vision of these kids breaking their precious little necks. So, yesterday, before she ran off to join the class, I asked her to do it properly and she did. And Ms. J, gymnastics teacher, was very pleased with her. By the way, she's Ms. J's favorite pupil.

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