May 17, 2005


On Monday evenings, after her ballet class, we would go to the foodcourt and have dinner. Our choices are slim, Burger King, Taco Bell, Anthony's Pizza, and Robin Hood's Deli. For dessert, we have Cinnabon and Baskin Robbins. I know, very unhealthy. Wait, I got sidetracked, I didn't want to write about food.

In one corner of the foodcourt is the play area. She would then ask to play after dinner.

Mommy, can I play?

10 minutes.

11 minutes. Pleeaasssee...

OK, 11 then.

I don't think she has a concept of time just yet but she does know that 11 is more than 10. So, she was playing there and after a few minutes, she came back.

Can I pause the timer for just a minute?


The timer can I pause it for a minute.

I burst out laughing when I figured out what she meant.

Silly Meggy!


Anonymous said...

i remember when megan was probably 4, we would always use the words "pause" and "play" (you know, for the dvd). then, she asked me what's "play." i know she knows what it does with the dvd. i just had a hard time explaining it because it means something else too(her favorite "play" with toys, etc).

Anonymous said...

i had a good laugh at this one! u know what, cheska loves to ask me to "pause" the dvd, too, everytime she goes to the bathroom or go somewhere else. but koojee complains cos he's watching, so what i do, i just turn it mute. Hahaha!