March 30, 2005

pinata on easter

pinata on easter
Originally uploaded by xiemen.
I never thought her karate classes would come in handy when it comes to pinata, but it did.

One of the exercises in her karate is how to handle a sword (wooden), they take the sword in their hand and they go "head, side, head, all the way" and that's what I did. I coached her where the pinata was, and every single time she hit that pinata.

Too bad she didn't hit it hard enough to break that thing but the people were nice enough to give her a handful of candies.

March 28, 2005

silly meggy

When I become a mom, I won't ground my daughter, or send her to her bedroom, I'll just talk to her and let her do whatever she wants.

Now, it's time for finishing touches. (egg-painting)

That's horrible!

I was so "incited" to go egg-hunting.

Mommy did you see that "unihorn".

March 25, 2005

the brat within

She has been so good for the last couple of weeks and I don't know why today she decided to be a brat. We were late today and missed the bus, we saw the bus driving away and I had to drive her to school.

A week ago we've decided to give her an allowance, $10 per 2 weeks. This way she won't bother us about buying a toy every single time we're in a store and also we want to instill in her the value of money.

We also told her that her allowance is a privilege and therefore, if she's being a brat we take away money from her allowance. Today, she had to give me a dollar back. Poor kid! You should have seen her face. She gave it to me and said, "I promise to be good." I just couldn't say no, "Tell you what, if we're not late for karate tomorrow, you can have this dollar back. OK?" plus she only had $3 left and I don't know what she can buy with $3.

March 24, 2005

You are what you eat

It's a TV show that we saw last night. It's about people seeking help to lose weight. The lady that night was a self-confessed chocaholic and to make matters worse, chocolate is her work! She buys chocolate for a living so she is surrounded by chocolate. She is undeniably overweight.

Mommy, I don't want to be fat when I grow up. she proclaims when they were showing just how fat she is. Why does she eat so much? she asked when they showed just how much food was consumed in the course of a week. What is fat? she asks when they were trying to measure excess fat on the body. I pinched my belly and said This is excess fat. She looked at her belly and pinched it too, Like this? I didn't want her to become body-conscious at such a young age but I also see that this would be the perfect time to teach her about healthy lifestyles. Yes, but those are baby fat. You don't need to worry about that. As long as you stop eating when you're full and not eat too much junk food, you should be fine. They then talked about if the lady can actually say no to chocolate.

Mommy, are chocolates bad for you?

They're not really bad, it's when you eat a lot of them, that's when chocolate becomes bad for you. And it's not just chocolate, it's any kind of food. But fruits & vegetables are good for you no matter how much of them you eat.

March 23, 2005


I got the idea from jbum's photostream at flickr and of course I just have to learn how to do it. So, searched the internet for a free software and found one here.

Presenting my first try at this photo mosaic,

Isn't that cool!

And here is the original picture

I want 2 parents

Dad's in one of his trips. He left early Monday morning and due back home on Friday. Last night,

Mommy, I want Daddy.
I'm sorry Meg, but Dad's at work.
Why does he have to go very far?
It's part of his job. Anyway, I'm here with you.
But I want 2 parents to sleep with me.
(she starts sobbing)

March 22, 2005

Another visit from the tooth fairy

Originally uploaded by xiemen.
The other night she lost a tooth again! Dad pulled it out. I wasn't there, she came up to me and gave me a toothy -1 smile. I'm surprised of how brave she was about the whole thing. I think she got that from Dad.

In my younger days, if I have a loose tooth, I won't tell my mom. I was just way too scared of my tooth being pulled out.

It's been loose since December and Dad will tease her that he's going to pull it out using the pliers. It doesn't scare her though, she'll ask me where the pliers are cause Dad needs it to pull her tooth out.

March 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by xiemen.
She absolutely loves her karate classes. She is such a girly-girl though. At least, she's not a wimp. I am more afraid of what they're doing or trying to do.

One of the exercises last Saturday was: They'd throw a punch at the teacher, the teacher grabs it and then kinda twist their arm and throw them into the floor. Sure, the floor was padded but still.

March 18, 2005


Last night while we were having dinner:

Meg: Mommy, why didn't you dress me in green?

Mom: You didn't tell me that you need to be in green.

Meg: I didn't know...

Dad: Did you get pinched a lot today?

Meg: No... (Dad pinched her) Awww... why'd you pinch me?

Dad: Cause you're not wearing green!

Mom: Go ahead, hun, pinch Daddy too, he's not wearing green

(She pinched Dad, and then again.)

Dad: Aw! Why'd you pinch me twice?

Meg: Cause you didn't get hurt. Why do we have to wear green?

Mom: Cause people like wearing green on St. Patrick's Day.

Meg: Is it still St. Patrick's tomorrow?

Mom: No.

Meg: I want to wear green!

March 16, 2005


Her new bus is a regular bus, unlike her old bus (it was a shuttle-van). There's more kids in the bus, 28 in the morning & 48 in the afternoon. Go figure. This post is about some of the kids in the bus.

Chris is the only boy that she talks of. She met him on her first day in the bus. She asked me if she can take her gameboy to the bus, Chris brings his to school.

Eeja (not sure about the name) is younger than her. She doesn't sit with her anymore after the Lego incident. Vanessa is about 7 or 8 years old. They sit together most of the time. We saw her at the skating rink last Sunday. Sarah & Sierra are sisters, 9 or 10 years old, they go to Meg's gymnastics & they have Karate on Saturdays but on the other half of the gym. Madison used to be in her gymnastics but her mom pulled her out and transferred her to the other class. (Madison's mom said that the other youth center has a better gymnastics class).

March 15, 2005

the 3-day weekend turned 4

It was a 3-day weekend, no, not because it was Red Nose Day. So, Friday, we went to base around lunchtime. Got movies for the weekend, went to the bookstore, she bought Starring Prima in Ballet Jolie. My sister will hate this book, cause Prima is a mouse. Then, we were off to Gymnastics. There's a new girl in the class before her class. She did this cool move and Meg's eyes just went so wide. Mommy, did you see that? That was so cool! Now, her interest in gymnastic is renewed. (She was showing signs of disinterest in it when she started ballet.)

The move: She was standing straight and started leaning back until her hands touched the floor, and then in slow-mo style she threw her right leg up and over followed by the left leg and landed so gracefully on both her feet. That was really cool!

Saturday was Karate. They are just too cute for words. A bunch of little kids kicking. Her favorite is this one exercise where they run towards the wall and sidekick it. Of course, the wall is padded. They did this one thing where they jump off this block (it's about 4 feet high), land on their feet and as soon as they land do a roll.

Sunday was Zach's birthday party at the skating rink. She was very excited to go skating but she almost fell, Dad got a hold of her right on time, and then she didn't want to do it anymore. We traded her skates for the beginner's skates and off she goes.

Monday, Dad was planning to drive up north to pick up something for the land rover, I convinced Megan to ditch school so we can go with Dad. (Bad Mom!) Finally, I got her to go, after bribing her with, 1) picnic in the truck 2) camera 3) she can buy one thing at one of those Welcome Break.

March 12, 2005


Mommy, my eyes are small and the stuff are big, how do they fit in my eyes?

March 11, 2005

No School

I told her yesterday that today is no school day but she won't believe me. When I picked her up yesterday afternoon:

So, no school tomorrow huh?

Yeah! Because it Red Nose Day!


March 10, 2005

Red Nose Day

Red Nose

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day. She asked yesterday if she can have "2 moneys" to buy a red nose. I gave her a 2-pound coin.

But mommy, I need 2 moneys.

Just bring this to school and ask Ms. Davis if you have enough for a red nose.

Well, she didn't believe, she opened her piggy bank and grabbed some coins. When she came home yesterday afternoon, I asked her if she had enough money for a red nose.

Yeah! I got you one, too.

I tried to put it on, but it won't stay!

March 09, 2005

Mondays are ballet. I'd pick her up at school, drive over to the other base and get her snack at the foodcourt. Then, we'd head to the restroom or WC (brits call it a WC or a loo or toilet). She'd change into her ballet outfit while I stand outside her stall door waiting for her to get done.

Last Monday, we were running late so I kept urging her to hurry up. An older lady was using the stall next to her. This is how it went.

Megan inside the stall singing a Pooh bear song.

Mommy, how does the pooh bear song goes again? The one that has gotta see a friend?

Gotta get up, gotta get going, gotta see a friend of mine.

Oh, yeah. (and then she starts singing the song)

Are you done using the potty? (I hear a flushing sound) Hurry up and get changed. ( After a minute or so) What are you doing now?

I'm changing.

Give me your shirt.

My undershirt? (She's wearing sweat pants, a shirt, and a sweater over it)

Yeah, you don't need it. (At this point, the lady comes out of the stall and she's laughing)

Lady: I wish I have a tape recorder with me. (I smile)

What are you doing now?

I'm putting on my leotards.

Give me your socks then.

I'm not done with it yet.

What? Are you putting your leotards over your socks? (The lady is washing her hands and looks at me and starts laughing again. I roll my eyes, like I'm saying Kids!) Open this door so I can help you.

I'm almost done. (Wait another couple of minutes, she's still singing the pooh bear song)

Lady: I've gotta go now, I wish I could see what comes out of that stall.

Me: She's changing into her ballet outfit. She's got a class at 4.

Lady: Now, that makes sense. (She goes outside. Meg finally gets done changing and comes out of the stall)

I saw the lady from the restroom at the parking lot and she's talking to her companion and was laughing, she sees me and points us to her companion and then she waves goodbye.

March 08, 2005


Mom, I don't want to go to school tomorrow.


Cause I don't want Music.

Huh??!! You like music, you sing ALL the time.

Yeah, but not in school, Music gives me headaches.

How does Music give you a headache.

It's so noisy.

What are you talking about?

Matthew and Madison, they're so noisy.

I'm beginning to suspect there's more to this than just Matthew & Madison being noisy.

Did something happened last week at Music?


What was it?

I can't turn off the light...


The kids in the last row, they turn off the light in music.

And you're not in the last row. Madison & Matthew in the last row?

Yeah... I used to be in the last row but Ms. Deets moved me to second row so the new girl can be in the last row.

March 07, 2005

kids, kitty & karate

I think this is going to be one long post. You've been warned.

I find it so cute when a kid calls out Megan's name and say "Hi!" or when she waves to somebody and greet them. I can't get over the fact that my little girl has a life of her own now. A life where I only hear about. Last Sunday, at the store, a little boy comes up to Megan,

Hi, Megan.


What are you doing?

My mommy and daddy are getting something.

OK, bye.


And they wave goodbye. Mommy that was Quentin. I've heard about Quentin. She plays a lot with him and I think they are in the same table. It's nice to finally have a face to a name.

She keeps telling me that Kayla wants her phone number, she knows our phone number, she said that she keeps forgetting to give it to Kayla. I asked her why Kayla wants her number and she said that Kayla wants her to come over to her house. But, I haven't heard from them.

While at the store, we went to this Chinese guy's stall, she said she wants to buy something and pointed to a lucky cat figurine. She adores cats. I have no idea how many kitty cat things she's got. We told her maybe later. We're trying to curb her spending, for her, going to the store means buying something. Window-shopping is still an unknown concept for her.

Saturday, after karate, oh yeah she's got karate on saturdays now, after eating we went inside to look around, the line was so long that we decided not to get anything. But she has her heart set on this little thing. We told her no and she started acting up. It's not that bad. She doesn't do the scream her head off, pull her hair type thing, it's just a consistent fake cry that almost sounds like a whine. Well, we had a heart to heart when we got home about buying things and she said she understood but when I told her Sunday that it was getting late that we'll get her lucky kitty tomorrow, she started again. *sigh*

The karate, it was so cute, little boys and girls, kicking and yelling Hiyaa! She likes it so much. Especially the part where Caelon, a boy from school, got a new belt. I think she kept waiting for Mr. Green to give her a belt that when the class was finally over, it was 2 hours long, and she didn't get a belt, she came up to me and tearfully said, Mr. Green didn't give me a belt. We were not planning to get her a uniform until we're certain that she really likes it but she really wanted that belt so we got her a uniform.

When we got home she tried it on and said, I look like a samurai!

Told you it was going to be long.

March 04, 2005

not a 4-person bed

She wakes up in the middle of the night and trek down to our bedroom, get in the middle and sleep. For a such a small person, she can take up a lot of the bed. I'd wake up to an elbow in my face and Dad complains about her kickings. When it gets hot, and it usually does when we're all crowded in our bed, she kicks the blankets off.

So, this is how we sleep. It won't work if G and I don't sleep sideways. Oh, that pink blob, that's either her stuff toy baby or piglet or sometimes bunny.

March 03, 2005

80 days

She has 80 days left in kinder and then, she'll be in 1st grade. Can you believe it? I can't. Sometimes, I look at her and it just blows me away how much she has grown. I tell her sometimes that she's growing way too fast for Mommy, that I don't want her to grow anymore and that she should just stay just as she is.

She's doing a lot of things on her own now. She closes the door when she's in the bathroom. I used to brush her teeth in the evenings to insure it's brushed properly but now she insists on brushing her teeth by herself in the mornings and in the evenings. She just wants me to wash her hair and she washes her body by herself.

In the morning, I'm not even allowed in the bathroom anymore. She'll ask me to get her school clothes ready the night before so that in the morning she can get ready by herself. Pretty soon, I'll have to knock on her bedroom door before I can come in and it would have a sign on it like "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" or something to that effect, you know, signs that you see in teenagers' doors.

Last night, she tried to sleep by herself but after 5 minutes she called out, and said that she can't sleep with that "ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooo" sound. I said, that I can't do anything about that, it's the wind that's doing that sound. And then she said, can you sleep with me, I can't sleep alone.

March 02, 2005


last night, dad put her to sleep. G thought that she was sleeping so he got up and she turned and asked him where he's going. "I'm just going to use the bathroom and talk to Mommy. Ok?" And she went back to sleep. I was reading a book and G turned on the playstation and started this racing game. A few seconds later, we heard her crying. G went to check up on her,

Why are you crying?

Because you said, you were gonna use the bathroom and talk to mommy and all I hear is vroom vroom vroom...

And now for the trouble part of this post,

Daddy, the bus driver threw away my lego toy.

When did this happen?


In your dream or for real?

For real...

Why? What happened?

The girl threw it on the floor.

What girl?

The girl that I was sitting with, she was playing with it and I told her that she can't play with it in the bus and then she threw it on the floor. I tried to get it back but it fell on the stairs. And then the bus driver picked it up and then when we got to the school, he put it on the trash.

Poor kid! She said she lost 3 pieces, the witch's hat, the owl, & something green. Oh yeah, it was the witch toy that she has begged us to buy for her.

March 01, 2005

I'm hungry

First thing she tells me as soon as she sees me.

Why are you always hungry? Do you finish your lunch at school?


Why not?

Because, they always say 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or take your last bite...

You poor kid. Maybe, you play so much during lunch.

No, I don't.

What about talking? Do you talk at lunch?


I don't believe you. Who do you sit with at lunch?

Madison... But she's the one who does the talking.

They can't be together, they always talk, they got in trouble for talking during quiet time, and so Ms. D seperated them and now, I might have to ask her teacher not to sit them together at lunch. Am I being mean?