March 03, 2005

80 days

She has 80 days left in kinder and then, she'll be in 1st grade. Can you believe it? I can't. Sometimes, I look at her and it just blows me away how much she has grown. I tell her sometimes that she's growing way too fast for Mommy, that I don't want her to grow anymore and that she should just stay just as she is.

She's doing a lot of things on her own now. She closes the door when she's in the bathroom. I used to brush her teeth in the evenings to insure it's brushed properly but now she insists on brushing her teeth by herself in the mornings and in the evenings. She just wants me to wash her hair and she washes her body by herself.

In the morning, I'm not even allowed in the bathroom anymore. She'll ask me to get her school clothes ready the night before so that in the morning she can get ready by herself. Pretty soon, I'll have to knock on her bedroom door before I can come in and it would have a sign on it like "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" or something to that effect, you know, signs that you see in teenagers' doors.

Last night, she tried to sleep by herself but after 5 minutes she called out, and said that she can't sleep with that "ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooo" sound. I said, that I can't do anything about that, it's the wind that's doing that sound. And then she said, can you sleep with me, I can't sleep alone.


Anonymous said...

i like ur graphics! keep a nice work!

Anonymous said...

i like ur graphics! keep a nice work!

Anonymous said...

i like ur graphics! keep a nice work!

Anonymous said...

i like ur graphics! keep a nice work!