April 15, 2005

no more gymnastics

This month will be her last month for her gymnastic classes. She's been complaining how gymnastics is boring and so, I've made a deal with her. Since I've payed for this month that she has to finish this month and then if she really doesn't want to do it, she'll stop.

And she said, no more gymnastics. So, that's it. Too bad. She's been doing good but I've always said that I won't force her to do things. Unfortunately, 2 years of it and the only things she can show for it are forward rolls, straddle roll, some sort of a cartwheel & handstand.

Her balance beam needs a lot of work and same goes with the bars. I guess, I could say she had loads of fun when she was doing it. I guess right now, it's not fun for her, it's more like a chore. Hopefully, in the near future, her interests in gymnastics will be renewed.

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