trick or treat
smell my feet
give me something good to eat
she went trick or treating and hahaha, she won't knock on doors with skeletons or anything scary, jack o'lanterns are fine, though. She did knock go in this one house with scary stuff since they were giving away glow-in-the-dark bracelets. After 30 minutes, she said she's tired and she wants to go home.
meg, next year can you be something else?
I'll be a ballerina next year.
What about something scary?
NOO!!! I want to be pretty.
October 31, 2004
October 30, 2004
October 29, 2004
baby cakes
Her first day in the new gymnastics class today and they were practicing a routine to the tune of baby cakes. She's the youngest in a class of 6. The other kids in the class are Alex, Rochelle, Kayla, Taylor & Samantha. I'll try to write the routine.
First, they're in a straddle position (sitting with legs wide apart) elbow on the floor, hands cupping their face while head swing(?) side to side. Then, to tuck position hands still cupping their face, from here they turn to their side, ala mermaid to their knees and stand up, turn 180 degrees and do a forward roll, turn another 180 degrees, walk 4 steps in tippy toes, then they do cartwheels one by one. When everybody has done cartwheels, side step, arms up like a star and a little booty shake (hehehe, this is so cute). Turn again, to straddle roll. Then a hand stand, walk to left side, then they do another cart wheel.
She has to practice her cartwheels & hand stand.
First, they're in a straddle position (sitting with legs wide apart) elbow on the floor, hands cupping their face while head swing(?) side to side. Then, to tuck position hands still cupping their face, from here they turn to their side, ala mermaid to their knees and stand up, turn 180 degrees and do a forward roll, turn another 180 degrees, walk 4 steps in tippy toes, then they do cartwheels one by one. When everybody has done cartwheels, side step, arms up like a star and a little booty shake (hehehe, this is so cute). Turn again, to straddle roll. Then a hand stand, walk to left side, then they do another cart wheel.
She has to practice her cartwheels & hand stand.
October 28, 2004
glenics bionics
we have a new game in computer center, mommy. It's called glenics bionics. She's a girl and she lost her kitty and puppy, and shoes & coat. And we help her find it.
First, she puts on her glasses so she can see very far. And then she puts on her shoes but they're big on her cause it's her mom's big flip flops. And then she goes outside and she finds her kitty and puts it in her purse. And then she finds her puppy and she puts it in her purse, too.
Then, we go inside and look for her coat. And she needs her umbrella because her coat doesn't have a hood. And then her kitty & puppy are stuck together, like this (puts hand together). Ms. D has a looooot of glenics bionics.
First, she puts on her glasses so she can see very far. And then she puts on her shoes but they're big on her cause it's her mom's big flip flops. And then she goes outside and she finds her kitty and puts it in her purse. And then she finds her puppy and she puts it in her purse, too.
Then, we go inside and look for her coat. And she needs her umbrella because her coat doesn't have a hood. And then her kitty & puppy are stuck together, like this (puts hand together). Ms. D has a looooot of glenics bionics.
October 26, 2004
a foggy day
![]() |
it's a foggy day, that's why you can't see it
that's the light and that's a building with elevator (what's that B?) that's not a B, that's the elevator and this, this is my sister, marcheesa, and my other sister, lola and this is mommy and this is me and this is my brother, his name is, uhm, peak and this is my other brother he's still small and his name is peak2 |
October 25, 2004
this is a song about sammy
his father sent him out to buy bread
but sammy didn't feel like walkin'
if i were a bug
i'd crawl to the store
crawl to the store
crawl to the store
crawl to the store for my father
mommy, if i were a bird, how would i get to the store?
yeah, and butterflies, too.
his father sent him out to buy bread
but sammy didn't feel like walkin'
if i were a bug
i'd crawl to the store
crawl to the store
crawl to the store
crawl to the store for my father
mommy, if i were a bird, how would i get to the store?
yeah, and butterflies, too.
October 24, 2004
Friday night
daddy and I talked last night and we thought that since you were doing so good in gymnastics that you'll get a reward. So, what do you want to get? You can buy one thing, a toy, a book, clothes, or shoes.
A toy. A cooker toy. It's big like this, and it's got a green door, and you can cook on it, just like my housekeeping center.
We'll see. How about if the cooker toy is less than 50, we'll get it. But if it's more than 50, you're gonna have to find something else to buy.
OK, can you write that down?
So, we'll remember.
Don't worry, I won't forget.
Saturday morning
Daddy, daddy, wake up.
Let's go to the store and buy my cooker toy. (It's 8 in the morning))
Meg, it's too early, the store's still close.
daddy and I talked last night and we thought that since you were doing so good in gymnastics that you'll get a reward. So, what do you want to get? You can buy one thing, a toy, a book, clothes, or shoes.
A toy. A cooker toy. It's big like this, and it's got a green door, and you can cook on it, just like my housekeeping center.
We'll see. How about if the cooker toy is less than 50, we'll get it. But if it's more than 50, you're gonna have to find something else to buy.
OK, can you write that down?
So, we'll remember.
Don't worry, I won't forget.
Saturday morning
Daddy, daddy, wake up.
Let's go to the store and buy my cooker toy. (It's 8 in the morning))
Meg, it's too early, the store's still close.
October 22, 2004
Ms. J, her gymnast teacher, said that she's ready for Level 2. Starting next week, she will be going to big kids classes. *sigh* They do grow so fast...
October 21, 2004
The girl with the yellow hair and pink coat, her name is Alexis.
Oh, yeah...
Yeah, she goes to the big school for big kids. And she has a boyfriend, she sees her boyfried everyday at her school.
How do you know all these?
Cause she was talking to Amber.
Oh, so you were eavesdropping.
Yes... what's eavesdropping?
Eavesdropping is when you're listening to somebody else's conversation. It's not polite to eavesdrop, ok?
But, I wasn't, she was talking to me, too.
Oh, yeah...
Yeah, she goes to the big school for big kids. And she has a boyfriend, she sees her boyfried everyday at her school.
How do you know all these?
Cause she was talking to Amber.
Oh, so you were eavesdropping.
Yes... what's eavesdropping?
Eavesdropping is when you're listening to somebody else's conversation. It's not polite to eavesdrop, ok?
But, I wasn't, she was talking to me, too.
October 20, 2004
October 19, 2004
school day
When we get to school, Ms. W picks us up at the bus. Ms. W is Joey's teacher. And then she takes us to the patio where our teacher is at. If my line is still there, I go to the back of the line, if it's gone, the teacher with the glasses, takes me to my classroom.
Then we go inside, I have to zip my mouth cause there's no talking in the hallway. And then we hang our backpacks, then our jackets & coats. Then, inside the classroom, we put our lunch box into the basket. Thumbs up if you have lunch money or lunch ticket, then, Ms. D2 takes it.
We go check what centers we got. Thumbs down if you don't have a center. If you don't have a center, you go to your table with your color. Then, you go to your center. Thumbs up if you have toys in your center. Then, when your done with your center, you go to your book area. Thumbs up or down if you have a book in the book area.
Then, we read our book. It could be Jack & Annie, Bear Hunt, I can be, I can, too, Where's my Cat?, My family, uhm, I forgot the rest. Then, after book area, we go to dress up center. But, you have to go to a different room for the dress up center. Thumbs up or down if you have put everything away in the dress up center.
We go to the cafeteria for our lunch. (Mommy, was your cafeteria big when you were a child? How small was it? Is it this small? This small?) When you need help, you have to raise your hand.
After lunch, we go back to our classroom and get our towels and go to the area where we usually sleep. My area is at the right side of the yellow table. Serena is at the left side of the table. Your towel must not touch anybody else's towel.
After rest time, we get our backpacks and put it on the chair. Then we go to the mail area and get our mail, then we put it in our backpacks. Then, when we're all packed up, Ms. D calls out our bus number, then Ms. D2 takes us to our bus.
That's it, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now.
Then we go inside, I have to zip my mouth cause there's no talking in the hallway. And then we hang our backpacks, then our jackets & coats. Then, inside the classroom, we put our lunch box into the basket. Thumbs up if you have lunch money or lunch ticket, then, Ms. D2 takes it.
We go check what centers we got. Thumbs down if you don't have a center. If you don't have a center, you go to your table with your color. Then, you go to your center. Thumbs up if you have toys in your center. Then, when your done with your center, you go to your book area. Thumbs up or down if you have a book in the book area.
Then, we read our book. It could be Jack & Annie, Bear Hunt, I can be, I can, too, Where's my Cat?, My family, uhm, I forgot the rest. Then, after book area, we go to dress up center. But, you have to go to a different room for the dress up center. Thumbs up or down if you have put everything away in the dress up center.
We go to the cafeteria for our lunch. (Mommy, was your cafeteria big when you were a child? How small was it? Is it this small? This small?) When you need help, you have to raise your hand.
After lunch, we go back to our classroom and get our towels and go to the area where we usually sleep. My area is at the right side of the yellow table. Serena is at the left side of the table. Your towel must not touch anybody else's towel.
After rest time, we get our backpacks and put it on the chair. Then we go to the mail area and get our mail, then we put it in our backpacks. Then, when we're all packed up, Ms. D calls out our bus number, then Ms. D2 takes us to our bus.
That's it, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now.
October 18, 2004
October 17, 2004
forgive & forget
well, the sun didn't come out yesterday but, at least, it wasn't raining. So, she asked if she can play outside, and off she went. Two minutes later, she came in.
I'm not playing outside anymore!
Why? What's wrong?
Joey called me names.
What names did he call you?
He called me a banana and dipstick.
So, she ate her breakfast and even before she could finish her bowl of cereal, Joey comes knocking at the door. She opened the door.
After breakfast, can you come out to play.
I was gonna say, I'll just finish my breakfast.
I'm not playing outside anymore!
Why? What's wrong?
Joey called me names.
What names did he call you?
He called me a banana and dipstick.
So, she ate her breakfast and even before she could finish her bowl of cereal, Joey comes knocking at the door. She opened the door.
After breakfast, can you come out to play.
I was gonna say, I'll just finish my breakfast.
October 16, 2004
need . . . sunshine . . .
it's been raining since Tuesday and she's been cooped up inside. No playtime during lunch, instead they've been watching movies. After school, more indoors for her, joey would come over and they'd watch TV or play in her bedroom.
Looking at her and joey reminded me of my brother & sister. They fight about everything but can't bear to be apart. They fought about who will use the red crayon first or which movie to watch. They even fought over a paper airplane. And, of course, making them a different airplane didn't help.
joey, stop it
megan, won't let me play with her airplane
mommy, joey's being mean to me
megan, won't let me help her
it's my turn
no, it's my turn
and so it went, all afternoon. when it gets unbearable, I say the magic words
do you need a break from each other.
i hope it won't rain today, they really need to play outside.
Looking at her and joey reminded me of my brother & sister. They fight about everything but can't bear to be apart. They fought about who will use the red crayon first or which movie to watch. They even fought over a paper airplane. And, of course, making them a different airplane didn't help.
joey, stop it
megan, won't let me play with her airplane
mommy, joey's being mean to me
megan, won't let me help her
it's my turn
no, it's my turn
and so it went, all afternoon. when it gets unbearable, I say the magic words
do you need a break from each other.
i hope it won't rain today, they really need to play outside.
October 15, 2004
sleep talking
she talks in her sleep.
sometimes, she'll be laughing so hard like daddy is tickling her.
or, she'll be giggling like keri ann is whispering something amusing to her.
or, she'll be yelling no like joey is doing something she doesn't approve of.
couple of nights ago, she couldn't sleep very well. she keeps whining and saying i want mommy, I got up and checked up on her. she's moving around her bed as if her bed was on fire. she's kicking her blanket like it was attacking her.
what's wrong?
my knees hurt
where does it hurt?
over here (shows her left knee and pointed at an invisible booboo)
it's not bleeding
ok, can you kiss it? (mwah)
then, she went back to sleep.
sometimes, she'll be laughing so hard like daddy is tickling her.
or, she'll be giggling like keri ann is whispering something amusing to her.
or, she'll be yelling no like joey is doing something she doesn't approve of.
couple of nights ago, she couldn't sleep very well. she keeps whining and saying i want mommy, I got up and checked up on her. she's moving around her bed as if her bed was on fire. she's kicking her blanket like it was attacking her.
what's wrong?
my knees hurt
where does it hurt?
over here (shows her left knee and pointed at an invisible booboo)
it's not bleeding
ok, can you kiss it? (mwah)
then, she went back to sleep.
October 14, 2004
dad and dinosaurs

a rarity, dad home on a weeknight
mommy, what's a pterodactyl?
i'm not sure, i'm not really fond of dinosaurs.
oh, i remember, they have wings like this (spreads arms and flaps) and horns at the back of their forehead and they have long mouth and spiky teeth.
i see. i think i know what pterodactyl is now, i only know of T-Rex.
T-Rex are mean.
why are they mean?
cause they eat blood.
i'm thinking of moving here, what do you think?
October 13, 2004
flower girl
mommy, my hair is short.
when my hair gets long, i'll get a haircut so my hair will be short again.
oh no, hun, can we let your hair grow for Auntie A's wedding?
why does everybody wants long hair for Auntie A's wedding?
cause it's pretty.
mommy, Auntie A's hair is long and M's hair is scruffily...
what is scruffily?
scruffily, you know, like my baby's hair, scruffily...
hehehe, I still have no idea what scruffily is.
when my hair gets long, i'll get a haircut so my hair will be short again.
oh no, hun, can we let your hair grow for Auntie A's wedding?
why does everybody wants long hair for Auntie A's wedding?
cause it's pretty.
mommy, Auntie A's hair is long and M's hair is scruffily...
what is scruffily?
scruffily, you know, like my baby's hair, scruffily...
hehehe, I still have no idea what scruffily is.
October 12, 2004
bear hunt
first, you have to put your hands on your knees
then, when I say grass, put your hands together and rub your hands
when I say water, say splash, splash, splash
when I say mud, go (insert walking on mud sound here)
when I say cave, say I see eyes, then say I see claws
OK? Repeat after me!
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see grass (mommy, put your hands together, "I am")
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see water (splashy sounds)
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see mud (mud sounds)
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see cave,
(I see eyes, I see claws)
RUN!!! It's a bear!
To the mud!
To the water!
To the grass!
Open the gate! (pant)
I don't like bears!
I'm not scared of flies,
I'm not scared of bees,
I'm not scared of spiders,
I'm not scared of sharks,
I'm not scared of dolphins & whales!
I wonder if the last part is still part of the story.
then, when I say grass, put your hands together and rub your hands
when I say water, say splash, splash, splash
when I say mud, go (insert walking on mud sound here)
when I say cave, say I see eyes, then say I see claws
OK? Repeat after me!
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see grass (mommy, put your hands together, "I am")
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see water (splashy sounds)
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see mud (mud sounds)
We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see cave,
(I see eyes, I see claws)
RUN!!! It's a bear!
To the mud!
To the water!
To the grass!
Open the gate! (pant)
I don't like bears!
I'm not scared of flies,
I'm not scared of bees,
I'm not scared of spiders,
I'm not scared of sharks,
I'm not scared of dolphins & whales!
I wonder if the last part is still part of the story.
October 11, 2004
of columbus day
mommy, is tomorrow school?
no, hun, no school tomorrow.
but, why? Tomorrow is zero day. (on weekends, she counts down the days till school)
yes, hun, but tomorrow is a holiday, so no school.
the story about columbus
columbus men didn't like columbus. now, when it was morning columbus said, time to work but they didn't wanna cause they didn't like columbus. so they tried the other plan when it was night, they ate dinner. they showered themselves and they went potty in the bucket and then went to sleep. (insert snoring sounds here). when it was morning time, they throwed the pee out of the bucket into the water, they had to wash the floor like this, (insert splashing sound here) and then they wash the walls, (you have to type wishy washy, "i did already", i don't see wishy washy, spell wishy washy) when they were washing walls it got night and then they ate dinner again, and showered themselves again and brushed their teeth again, and then they went to bed, and they peed again. When they went to bed, they were thinking of throwing Columbus into the water but not yet, columbus said, "3 more days" when they got to the beach, they'll throw Columbus in 3 more days. When they saw the beach, there were fruits, there was banana trees, and orange trees, and grapevines, and potatoes everywhere, it was pretty nice but they didn't know who was watching it when they got to the beach in 15 hours. When they got to Francis they didn't know what's people was over there in Francis. ("What's Francis?" Francis is a big, big beautiful world. "Are we still talking about Columbus?" I am talking about Columbus.) When they got to the beach, they throwed Columbus into the beach and they had a nice day in the beach and they didn't know who was watching the beach. And then when Columbus was in the water he turned back a little bit, back and back and back and back. Columbus knows who was watching after beach, it was the indians, the indians were watching after it, not a woman, but boys was watching it. And that's the end.
no, hun, no school tomorrow.
but, why? Tomorrow is zero day. (on weekends, she counts down the days till school)
yes, hun, but tomorrow is a holiday, so no school.
the story about columbus
columbus men didn't like columbus. now, when it was morning columbus said, time to work but they didn't wanna cause they didn't like columbus. so they tried the other plan when it was night, they ate dinner. they showered themselves and they went potty in the bucket and then went to sleep. (insert snoring sounds here). when it was morning time, they throwed the pee out of the bucket into the water, they had to wash the floor like this, (insert splashing sound here) and then they wash the walls, (you have to type wishy washy, "i did already", i don't see wishy washy, spell wishy washy) when they were washing walls it got night and then they ate dinner again, and showered themselves again and brushed their teeth again, and then they went to bed, and they peed again. When they went to bed, they were thinking of throwing Columbus into the water but not yet, columbus said, "3 more days" when they got to the beach, they'll throw Columbus in 3 more days. When they saw the beach, there were fruits, there was banana trees, and orange trees, and grapevines, and potatoes everywhere, it was pretty nice but they didn't know who was watching it when they got to the beach in 15 hours. When they got to Francis they didn't know what's people was over there in Francis. ("What's Francis?" Francis is a big, big beautiful world. "Are we still talking about Columbus?" I am talking about Columbus.) When they got to the beach, they throwed Columbus into the beach and they had a nice day in the beach and they didn't know who was watching the beach. And then when Columbus was in the water he turned back a little bit, back and back and back and back. Columbus knows who was watching after beach, it was the indians, the indians were watching after it, not a woman, but boys was watching it. And that's the end.
October 10, 2004
book fair II
I was wrong. She only bought two books, Norman Bridwell's Clifford's Best Friend & Vera Rosenberry's Run Jump Whiz Splash. And she gave me back the change, too.
Another tooth fell out Friday, but the toothfairy didn't come Friday night so she tried again last night. Well, this morning, when she woke up she was so happy, the toothfairy came. Look, mommy! she came, she came. And she gave me 3 coins! (1 pound and 2 50 p coins) Next time, I lose a tooth, I'm gonna get 4 coins! (1st tooth she lost, she got 1 coin, 2nd tooth, she got 3.)
Another tooth fell out Friday, but the toothfairy didn't come Friday night so she tried again last night. Well, this morning, when she woke up she was so happy, the toothfairy came. Look, mommy! she came, she came. And she gave me 3 coins! (1 pound and 2 50 p coins) Next time, I lose a tooth, I'm gonna get 4 coins! (1st tooth she lost, she got 1 coin, 2nd tooth, she got 3.)
October 09, 2004
birthday party
In the birthday party, there was bowling. I like bowling. Because when I don't miss the balls, I didn't let them get stuck, they were free. And I liked to bowl with shoes! And the shoes were pretty.
I ate sandwich, french fries, i mean chips, ice cream and cake. The cake was like Nemo and it got rings with it, beautiful Nemo rings. There was 6 candles in the cake. and I liked the candles, there was pink, blue, and orange. I liked the birthday Nemo cake.
Kayla, Madison, Rachel, Erin, Tino, Cooper, Chaise, Jacob, Juan, Caelon, and Zack were there. We were eating cake, bowling, and then we went home.
The end.
As told by megan
I ate sandwich, french fries, i mean chips, ice cream and cake. The cake was like Nemo and it got rings with it, beautiful Nemo rings. There was 6 candles in the cake. and I liked the candles, there was pink, blue, and orange. I liked the birthday Nemo cake.
Kayla, Madison, Rachel, Erin, Tino, Cooper, Chaise, Jacob, Juan, Caelon, and Zack were there. We were eating cake, bowling, and then we went home.
The end.
As told by megan
October 08, 2004
book fair
Ms. D said that I need money to buy books today.
The book fair is today, huh? Do you want me to go to school and help you choose a book or do you want to buy a book on your own?
I'll buy a book by myself.
How much money do you think you need?
Hmmm... 30
30? That's a lot of money, hun. What about I give you 10.
But, the books are really expensive.
she thinks for a moment, I have no clue what was going thru her head but she said, OK, I guess 10's ok
I wonder what kind of book she'll get or if she gets one. It takes her forever to choose a book. I didn't have a 10 in my wallet so gave her a 20 instead. Then, told her that, she has a 20 but she can only spend 10. Hubby laughed as I was explaining this, she doesn't understand the concept of money, yet. But, who knows, kids are smart. I doubt though if I get my 10 back, I bet, she'll come home this afternoon with her backpack filled with books.
The book fair is today, huh? Do you want me to go to school and help you choose a book or do you want to buy a book on your own?
I'll buy a book by myself.
How much money do you think you need?
Hmmm... 30
30? That's a lot of money, hun. What about I give you 10.
But, the books are really expensive.
she thinks for a moment, I have no clue what was going thru her head but she said, OK, I guess 10's ok
I wonder what kind of book she'll get or if she gets one. It takes her forever to choose a book. I didn't have a 10 in my wallet so gave her a 20 instead. Then, told her that, she has a 20 but she can only spend 10. Hubby laughed as I was explaining this, she doesn't understand the concept of money, yet. But, who knows, kids are smart. I doubt though if I get my 10 back, I bet, she'll come home this afternoon with her backpack filled with books.
October 07, 2004
picking apples

Yep, they're actually picking apples but not to eat, to throw at the field. :)
another song
if you need a buddy, just whistle
if you need a pal, just let me know
cause i will be your buddy
i will be your pal
friends forever we go
this has gotta be my favorite song
October 06, 2004
good morning
Daughter does not have any kind of routine prior to school. It was, sleep whenever she wants and wake up whenever. As first day of school approached, I tried to get her in some kind of routine which fell apart. Fortunately for everybody involved, she adjusted to sleeping early. It's just the mornings are difficult.
6:45 my alarm goes off. I go to her bedroom, turn on her CD and hope against hope that this will wake her up. Go downstairs and get her breakfast ready, which isn't much, all she wants for breakfast is her strawberry chocolate milk.
6:50 go back upstairs and wake her up. And it goes like this, good morning little toes, are you awake? She'd wiggle her toes. good morning little knees, are you awake? She'd bend her knees. and so it goes, all the way up to her head. Lastly, good morning megan, are you awake? and then I tickle her. Sometimes, it works, sometimes, it doesn't.
7:00 her alarm goes off. Crunch time, on days that above strategy doesn't work, this is when coaxing begins which sometimes leads to hard core threatening, my last resort.
7:15 finally, she's ready, we head downstairs and as she drinks her breakfast, I get her snack and lunch ready. (good girl point - 1: she takes her cup to the kitchen and puts it in the sink)
7:25 walk over to the bus stop, it's not that far, 5 minutes tops. But, man, oh man, is it BRRR cold in the morning. Wonder what it would be like come winter.
7:30ish bus arrives and her and joey boards the bus and take forever to put their seatbelts on, and off the bus goes.
6:45 my alarm goes off. I go to her bedroom, turn on her CD and hope against hope that this will wake her up. Go downstairs and get her breakfast ready, which isn't much, all she wants for breakfast is her strawberry chocolate milk.
6:50 go back upstairs and wake her up. And it goes like this, good morning little toes, are you awake? She'd wiggle her toes. good morning little knees, are you awake? She'd bend her knees. and so it goes, all the way up to her head. Lastly, good morning megan, are you awake? and then I tickle her. Sometimes, it works, sometimes, it doesn't.
7:00 her alarm goes off. Crunch time, on days that above strategy doesn't work, this is when coaxing begins which sometimes leads to hard core threatening, my last resort.
7:15 finally, she's ready, we head downstairs and as she drinks her breakfast, I get her snack and lunch ready. (good girl point - 1: she takes her cup to the kitchen and puts it in the sink)
7:25 walk over to the bus stop, it's not that far, 5 minutes tops. But, man, oh man, is it BRRR cold in the morning. Wonder what it would be like come winter.
7:30ish bus arrives and her and joey boards the bus and take forever to put their seatbelts on, and off the bus goes.
October 05, 2004
She finally admitted. She did get a timeout two weeks ago. From our conversation last night,
Mommy, Joey got a timeout.
Oh, yeah, what did he do?
Long story about how Joey got a timeout.
So, did you get a timeout at school?
NO! Well, a little bit timeout.
Oh, yeah, what happened?
I had to stand by the wall and be quiet.
I know that already, but what did you do? Why did you get a timeout?
Well, I wasn't being quiet.
Oh! Were you talking to somebody?
Who were you talking to?
What were you talking about?
About stuff and people.
I see. Did Madison get a timeout, too?
So, who else got a timeout?
Me, Madison, Zack, & Jacob.
Hmmm, so what were you talking about?
I told you already, people and stuff.
Like what people and stuff?
And here's what she said, "Blah, blah, blah, blah. There are you happy now?", which cracked me up.
Mommy, Joey got a timeout.
Oh, yeah, what did he do?
Long story about how Joey got a timeout.
So, did you get a timeout at school?
NO! Well, a little bit timeout.
Oh, yeah, what happened?
I had to stand by the wall and be quiet.
I know that already, but what did you do? Why did you get a timeout?
Well, I wasn't being quiet.
Oh! Were you talking to somebody?
Who were you talking to?
What were you talking about?
About stuff and people.
I see. Did Madison get a timeout, too?
So, who else got a timeout?
Me, Madison, Zack, & Jacob.
Hmmm, so what were you talking about?
I told you already, people and stuff.
Like what people and stuff?
And here's what she said, "Blah, blah, blah, blah. There are you happy now?", which cracked me up.
October 04, 2004
bus ride
Mommy, I'm not gonna sit with Joey today. she announced this morning.
Why? I asked.
Because I wanna sit with the girl who gave me the butterfly thing.
As they were walking towards the bus, she said
Joey, I'm not gonna sit with you today.
she mumbles her reason to Joey
Why? I asked.
Because I wanna sit with the girl who gave me the butterfly thing.
As they were walking towards the bus, she said
Joey, I'm not gonna sit with you today.
she mumbles her reason to Joey
October 03, 2004
another song
way up high in the apple tree
two little apples smiled at me
i shook that tree as hard as i can
mmmm, were they yummy!
October 02, 2004
She got herself grounded today.
Last night, she didn't want to come inside. She said, she's not done playing with Joey, yet. So, she cried and whined and when she finally got inside the house, threw a tantrum. When she finally, calmed down, she promised that she'll be a good girl from now. So I told her, for her to get ungrounded, she'll have to keep her promise and be a good girl today, the whole day.
Last night, she didn't want to come inside. She said, she's not done playing with Joey, yet. So, she cried and whined and when she finally got inside the house, threw a tantrum. When she finally, calmed down, she promised that she'll be a good girl from now. So I told her, for her to get ungrounded, she'll have to keep her promise and be a good girl today, the whole day.
October 01, 2004
Serena, Aaron, Madison, Jonathan, Taylor, Jacob, Samantha, Dino, John-john, Kelly, Matthew, & of course, Joey.
Meg, hit that guy and say "Steeler sucks!" She then hides behind Dad and clings to his legs as she peeks at the guy as he approaches us. Dad and guy talked about football and as guy leaves, she asks, Daddy, is he your friend? Dad answers, Yes. to which she replies, Then, why did you want me to hit him?
Meg, hit that guy and say "Steeler sucks!" She then hides behind Dad and clings to his legs as she peeks at the guy as he approaches us. Dad and guy talked about football and as guy leaves, she asks, Daddy, is he your friend? Dad answers, Yes. to which she replies, Then, why did you want me to hit him?
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