October 16, 2004

need . . . sunshine . . .

it's been raining since Tuesday and she's been cooped up inside. No playtime during lunch, instead they've been watching movies. After school, more indoors for her, joey would come over and they'd watch TV or play in her bedroom.

Looking at her and joey reminded me of my brother & sister. They fight about everything but can't bear to be apart. They fought about who will use the red crayon first or which movie to watch. They even fought over a paper airplane. And, of course, making them a different airplane didn't help.

joey, stop it
megan, won't let me play with her airplane
mommy, joey's being mean to me
megan, won't let me help her
it's my turn
no, it's my turn

and so it went, all afternoon. when it gets unbearable, I say the magic words
do you need a break from each other.
i hope it won't rain today, they really need to play outside.

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