October 12, 2004

bear hunt

first, you have to put your hands on your knees
then, when I say grass, put your hands together and rub your hands
when I say water, say splash, splash, splash
when I say mud, go (insert walking on mud sound here)
when I say cave, say I see eyes, then say I see claws
OK? Repeat after me!

We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see grass (mommy, put your hands together, "I am")

We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see water (splashy sounds)

We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see mud (mud sounds)

We're going on a bear hunt,
we're not scared,
Uh-uh, I see cave,
(I see eyes, I see claws)

RUN!!! It's a bear!
To the mud!
To the water!
To the grass!
Open the gate! (pant)
I don't like bears!
I'm not scared of flies,
I'm not scared of bees,
I'm not scared of spiders,
I'm not scared of sharks,
I'm not scared of dolphins & whales!

I wonder if the last part is still part of the story.

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