November 05, 2004


Her endless chatter as I was making lumpia (eggroll) yesterday:

mommy, what are you making?
what are you doing to the carrots?
why are you squeeshing them?
what's the vinegar for?
Oh, why do you need water?
why are you using water as glue?
can you teach me how to make lumpia when I'm older?
can i fold the lumpia like that?
how many lumpia do you have now?
when i grow up, who's going to be my daddy?
i mean, who's going to be the daddy of my daughter?
i told joey to meet me at church when we're older, but i don't think he's gonna come.
we'll fall in love, and get married, and have a baby.
mommy, is tomorrow school?
oh, right, i have 3 days off.
daddy doesn't have work when I don't have school.
why does daddy have to go to work tomorrow?
mommy, can i close the curtains?
why do you want to see the view?
what's a view?

and on and on it went, she even counted from 1 to 100.

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