November 06, 2004

to the dentist

she had a dental appointment yesterday to seal her molars and to fill one molar with a cavity. I know, she's too young to have a cavity, but oh, well. A little story that happened at the waiting room. There was another little girl, I think, she's about 3 or 4. They were playing together and this girl was just giggling so hard, I have no idea what they were talking about but it must be really funny.

Back to the procedure, she had laughing gas. It was a matter of making it as painless as possible so she won't be traumatized. Then, local anesthesia was applied around her molars and finally, she had general anesthesia on the one molar with the cavity. I can't believe how brave she was, she didn't even flinch when the general was administered.

It took about 45 minutes and she actually fell asleep. Hehehe. Snoring and all. Here's the thing though, it wasn't cavity. It was some kind of a fluke. I didn't really understood what the dentist was saying, all I cared about was it wasn't cavity. So, she's still cavity-free.

Asked the dentist about her 2 permanent teeth coming out. They're coming out crooked and behind her baby teeth. It looks like her jaw is too small for her permanent teeth so the scenarios are: 1. She's still growing so her jaw might adjust to compensate for her bigger permanent teeth, 2. When she loses more of her baby teeth some permanent teeth might not come out, 3. When she's older and 1 or 2 didn't happen, she might have to wear braces, =(.

Her 2 upper front teeth, they're loose. She might lose them in the next month or so. All I want for chrismas is my 2 front teeth.

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