March 15, 2005

the 3-day weekend turned 4

It was a 3-day weekend, no, not because it was Red Nose Day. So, Friday, we went to base around lunchtime. Got movies for the weekend, went to the bookstore, she bought Starring Prima in Ballet Jolie. My sister will hate this book, cause Prima is a mouse. Then, we were off to Gymnastics. There's a new girl in the class before her class. She did this cool move and Meg's eyes just went so wide. Mommy, did you see that? That was so cool! Now, her interest in gymnastic is renewed. (She was showing signs of disinterest in it when she started ballet.)

The move: She was standing straight and started leaning back until her hands touched the floor, and then in slow-mo style she threw her right leg up and over followed by the left leg and landed so gracefully on both her feet. That was really cool!

Saturday was Karate. They are just too cute for words. A bunch of little kids kicking. Her favorite is this one exercise where they run towards the wall and sidekick it. Of course, the wall is padded. They did this one thing where they jump off this block (it's about 4 feet high), land on their feet and as soon as they land do a roll.

Sunday was Zach's birthday party at the skating rink. She was very excited to go skating but she almost fell, Dad got a hold of her right on time, and then she didn't want to do it anymore. We traded her skates for the beginner's skates and off she goes.

Monday, Dad was planning to drive up north to pick up something for the land rover, I convinced Megan to ditch school so we can go with Dad. (Bad Mom!) Finally, I got her to go, after bribing her with, 1) picnic in the truck 2) camera 3) she can buy one thing at one of those Welcome Break.


Anonymous said...

you are your mom's daughter, hahahha. making your child skip school, sounds familiar!

mitzi said...

yeah, she did. =)