June 10, 2005


She's been trying to write by herself. I heard her doing this last night. Popcorn. I know how to spell pop, it's p o p. And then she goes, corn. And she makes a K sound. Mommy, is corn K or C? to which I reply C. Then she makes the KO sound and she goes, O and on to KOR, and she makes the R and then she goes KORN, and makes the N sound.

So, she asked me how to spell lovely. I know she knows how to spell LOVE, so I ask her back how to spell LOVE and she said L O V E and I said, Now, add "ly". And she started writing it down. I asked her again how she spelled LOVELY and she goes, L O V E L E E and I corrected her saying, L Y not L E E, to which she replied back, but Ms. Lee's name is L E E.

Ms. Lee is her Art teacher. When they go to Art, they write their names on the paper followed by DK, meaning Ms. D's class, Kindergarten. She came home yesterday with a big piece of paper. It had 5 by 5 grid, on top of the paper was the familiar "Megan DK". Every square is intended for a classmate, they can draw anything they want in their square and write their names. I couldn't help but laugh when I noticed Emily's square, it had a purple flower and she wrote "Emily DK".

Kayla made a blue butterfly, Kyle, a red heart, Madison, an orange sun, Cooper, 2 kids with something red in between them, Tino, a yellow sun, Caelon, 2 kids again with something red in between them again, Duncan, made some purple scribbles, Maya, a blue and red ball (I think), Maggie, an animal with 3 feet and a long neck.

She was pretty sad cause she didn't get everybody to draw on her paper. She said that they didn't have enough time. She said she drew, rainbow for the girls and I forgot what was for the boys.

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