June 19, 2005

report card

I am so proud of her! Just to refresh memories, her grading system is N for not yet evident, P for developing/progressing and CD for consistently displayed. And she got mostly CDs. Her Language Arts - Reading is the same all through the year 6 CDs out of 8, Mathematics, she got 3 out of 3 and Life Skills, 12 out of 13. I don't know exactly what that means or IF they have a class placement where she'll be place at.

For teacher's comment, Ms. D wrote "very good reader. Great social skills." Look at that, my baby has social skills. And I was worried how she'll interact with other kids when she starts school.

I was pretty disappointed that they have nothing to mark this event in her life. No Graduation. And I meant to take a picture of her so that at least I'll have something to remember that day by but...

I bought this sort of an envelope/folder so she can keep some of her stuff from school. She has a whole drawer full of school work and she does not want to part with ANY of them. But these are my art... how can I possibly throw any of that now. I might as well buy her a box or something for all these.

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